
30 Days of Gratitude - Day 21

the TaLenTs oF oTheRs!

I love reading other people's blogs. Yes, I do it in a somewhat stalker-ish ways sometimes, but I just get so fascinated with reading about other people. I have found that I love reading what I like to call "Mommy Blogs" (I'm not the only one who calls them that. Technically that is what they're called. I just wanted a brief moment of credit.) But it's fun to see what other people can find and come up with, and various talents they have that they can share with others. I'm jealous. I want to create a "Mommy Blog" and have people stalk me and think I'm cool. But really, i'm grateful for the talents of others. It makes me think that maybe, just MAYBe I can do something cool too.

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Maira Gall