
30 Days of Gratitude - Day 6

I'm grateful for the time I get to spend playing XBox games with my hubby.

I never thought I would be a big gamer, but I gotta admit, my husband got me hooked. I always thought HALO was a lame game, but now it pretty much rocks. Gears of War - totally awesome!

Now, it kinda sucks that we don't have as much time to play, but there have been times in the past where we've played until 4-5 in the a.m. (but now we're grown-ups and have to go to work before noon! BOOO!)

But I always look forward to Christmas time where we try to find some super cool games for us to play, and I'm particularly looking forward to this Christmas because we MAY (or may not) get a new cool toy to go along with our XBox...We'll see how gracious Santa is feeling...

But really, I am grateful for the time (what little it is) that I get to spend cuddled up with the hubby, playing shooting games, and getting mad that I suck and can never hit the dudes (and even sucks more when we have to split up on missions, and I'm expected to do some wicked killing!) SUPER FUN!

(FYI -- we finally passed of Gears of War 2! yeah we're pretty much the best ever!)

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Maira Gall