
30 Days of Gratitude - Day 22

pEopLe Who DoN'T ComPlaiN!

I love when I meet someone, who you know is having a tough time in their lives, but they just DON'T complain about anything. It's so refreshing knowing that if they can make it through their struggles without sharing them with everyone, and can keep a positive attitude, then ANYONE can!

I get really frustrated with people when all they do is complain. Now I, by no means, am perfect, and I do complain a lot, but I do try to keep it between my husband and I (lucky him! lol). But when I do start to complain to others, I just have to think about those people who complain about everything, and I remember that I do NOT want to be "one of those people." Life is tough, we all have to deal with our own circumstances, but remember...we ALL have to deal with our own circumstances. Keep a positive attitude!

It does make me very grateful for those who DON'T complain! ;)

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Maira Gall