
Dear God,

If you could ask God a question, what would it be?

At this point in my life, I would like to ask Him what our future held (ie, jobs, home, school, babies, etc.) I'm not a fan of this waiting and see what happens. I hate not knowing what to tell my boss when he asks what our plans our. I just want to know now! Now, I love a good surprise, but I don't want this to be a surprise. I just want to know. I NEED to know, or else I'm going to go crazy. I don't know what to plan for. I just really want to know. So please, God, I think an answer in the form of a very clearly written letter would be the best plan. I don't do so well waiting for prayers to be answered! ;)

I guess that's what faith is for, right? Faith that my Heavenly Father knows what He's doing, and while He probably isn't going to give me the answer to that question right now, or all at once, but that it's all going to work out, and that whatever happens, happens for a reason. It'll all be okay.

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Maira Gall