
Kids Say the Darndest Things...

So I've mentioned this little girl before, but she is such a doll. The daughter of the girl I coach with (I think she's 4?) is just the funniest girl ever. So, back in summer, i would have Lacey give me rides home from summer workouts, and everytime we would tell her little girl that I was going to live with them. She did not like that one bit. lol..she would start crying and say I would have to live in the wild. Well, once volleyball started, Lacey would tell me all these funny things she would say. Like this one time they had stopped to get lunch and she asked Lacey if she could eat in the car. Lacey said she could, but then she said she would just eat it when they got to the school. Then this little girl says, "Never mind I'll eat it now so Breanne won't eat it." Lol...what?!? haha. I don't even know why she thought that.

Well, today, I show up to practice, and Brightyn is sitting on the floor playing her PSP (?) and she had a lunch bag right next to her. I won't over by her, and went to set my keys and phone down and she grabs the bag and pulls it towards her. I didn't really think anything of it, then Lacey started laughing and told me that on the way to the gym Brightyn said (something similar to), "If I hide my lunch do you think Breanne will eat it?" haha...I asked Lacey if that's why she grabbed the bag when I went to set my stuff down. I wasn't even going for the bag! lol, it was so funny. I mean I tease her when she has like treats and stuff, but for some reason, she never wants to share with me, and she thinks I'm going to steal all of her stuff! I find it pretty funny. She's so funny, and quite fun to tease. I just find it hilarious that she thinks that I'm always going to steal her lunch.....

anyway, that's all...I think i need to go to bed! Ha!

1 comment

Lindsay said...

That is way funny Bre! Kids really do say some funny stuff, and most of the time no one knows where they got their ideas! Too funny! (Oh and the buttons look really cute! Thanks again, I love it!)

Maira Gall