
Why I Love My Job

It's mostly because of my c-workers. I've been super blessed to have some amazing co-workers. We got some newbies at the beginning of the year, and while that can always be a little scary getting new people and seeing how they fit in, but Cole and Kim fit in. We all get along, and have a great time.

If you remember last year around this time, we did {this} for our boss. Yesterday was his birthday, so we wanted to do something to his office as a 'prank' since he took the day off. On the credenza behind his desk he has pictures of his family and individual pictures of his kids. There are six kids, and six employees, so we facebook stalked each other and printed off pictures from our facebook pages to replace the pictures of his kids. We wondered how long it would take him to notice.

This morning at our meeting, he had received a candy bouquet that was put on his desk, so he picked it up and moved it right in front of the pictures. We looked at each other in anticipation of his reaction. He didn't even notice. He turned right back around and we all started laughing. It wasn't until after the meeting and Cole and Caleb had gone home that we heard him start laughing, He got a good kick out of it, and it was fun for us to do.

(My cute picture that replaced his cute kid's)

We really have a great time, and I love my co-workers. They are the absolute best!

And this happened yesterday. One of the guys I did a loan for brought in some pizza to say thanks for doing a great job. It was awesome. People are so nice. It's great to feel appreciated!

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Maira Gall