
I Got Nothing...

Once upon a time life was somewhat exciting, and by somewhat I mean slightly more than the non-existent excitement currently happening at this time.

I mean, seriously. I can watch 2-3 episodes of Psych, and not blink an eye. It's a complete waste of time, but I can't help it. Nothing else seems to excite me. I even started the series over. That's how terrible this addiction is. 
Work seems to go by without me noticing as well. I know that I am extremely busy (seriously, I have at least 50 loans in my que, even though maybe 10 of them have actually been completed.) It's kind of insane. I just go to work and kind of go through the motions and before I know it, it's time to go home and I can't remember anything I did. Until I get home and try to sleep and then I remember every little thing I did or forgot to do. It's sad. But I like it, and I think I'm doing okay with it. I received an email the other day from our corporate sales dude telling me I'm doing well. That's always awesome to hear.

Seriously, I can't even come up with any other clever things to write. Not even kidding. This is all I've got.

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Maira Gall