
Work Shenanigans

I can't say this enough, but I have THE greatest co-workers in the world. They are so dang amazing.

One of my co-workers, we shall call Caleb (because that's his name), is just one of a kind. We can argue and laugh about anything. He is a major Packers fan, while I love the Cowboys. The NFL playoffs worked out that the Cowboys would be playing at Lambo. The Monday after the Cowboys won to go on to play the Packers I decided that we needed to have some fun. Even though I don't really care either way as far as the NFL is concerned, Caleb is very much into his team.

I started it by just doing some little things.

Excellent use of work time & supplies. I then took it up a notch by creating a little story board. Caleb is in love with Taylor Swift, so I thought I'd use that against him. I found this picture of him on facebook (love that his profile isn't private), so I cut out his head and placed it on Ryan Gosling's body.

 C: "Hey Girl, you know I'm a Packers fan, right?"
TS: "Oh Crap"

 TS: "I knew you were trouble when you walked in!"

TS: "You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar."
C: "Babe, your hair is much prettier than Clay Matthews'."

C: But Aaron Rodgers is so much sexier than Tony Romo! (And you!)
TS: We are never, ever, EVER, getting back together.

TS: "The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate."
(Wearing a Cowboys jersey)

He thought it was pretty good. I knew he had a plan to get me back, but I had no idea what he was going to do. Imagine my surprise when I walked in to find about 10 sacks of potatoes all around my station with the note, "You've been 'sacked' by Clay Matthews." It was awesome.

I couldn't let him get the last laugh, so I thought and thought all morning before coming up with my next brilliant plan about 45 minutes before he was to come in to work. I wanted to use those potatoes against him, and thought of any potato puns , and I think I came up with a good one to end it all...

Needless to say, he wasn't too happy that I got the last prank. However, in reality, he ended up the winner as his team beat mine.

 You win.....I'm sure you'll understand if I'm a bit "crabby" this week. (I made him crab dip)
Also, I changed all my passwords to: PACKERSSUCK!!

And what do you do with ten sacks of potatoes? Give everyone one to take home, then have a potato bar at work with the rest. Heck yes. It was super yummy!

It was a lot of fun. I am so grateful to have awesome co-workers that we can do this type of stuff. Too bad this particular co-worker is leaving our branch at the end of the semester, just don't get me started on that!

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Maira Gall