
Rain, Rain...DON'T Go Away!!!

Alright...so everyone's had it...the WONDERFUL weather that's been sent to us from above! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! How can you NOT love the rain? If it rained all day everyday, I really think I'd be okay with that. Just look out the window and see how green it is. The Lord is truly blessing us with the moisture we've been praying for. And the SUNSETS! WOW!!! Greg and I were at Smith's one night and we came walking out, the sunset was BEAUTIFUL! Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me at the time, so I had to wait until I got home to shoot this. Although you can still see the vibrant reds and oranges and yellows...It was ten times better than this. The whole sky was colored! Maybe I should start carrying my camera around with me more....

And of course, the rain....I love the smell, I love the sound...I just love everything about it! I wanted to get some when it was raining REALLY hard, but it usually clears up by the time I get out of bed...(at noon...haha!) but here are a few I got...I love this first one...

Again....how can you NOT love this weather!

**Oh, the ONLY downfall of the complete temperature changes is that Greg has been EXTREMELY sick. He couldn't sleep last night, and about 6 in the a.m. he got out of bed. When I asked him if he was okay, he said that he was gonna go get some medicine. You know it's BAD when he wants to go get medicine. He doesn't take medicine for ANYTHING!!! I really hope he gets feeling better. It makes me so sad to see him sick, and know I can't do anything about it....


Lindsay said...

Oh!!! Poor Greg! I hate being sick but worse, I hate when your husband is sick! But I am SO with you Bre! I LOVE the rain and the cool weather we've been having! So many people have been complaining about it and I'm like, dude, would you rather it be like 100 degrees?! I wouldn't! I hate the Utah heat! I so appreciate your post! Totally agree with you! Rain is the best!!!

Unknown said...

I'd rather it be 100 degrees and sunny than cold and rainy...more than anything I just hate the depressing, drab,gray color it brings. And you are the ONLY person I know who sincerely loves it...and good for you! That's awesome! But from what I hear, you would totally LOVE Seattle! As for me, I'll be happy here in the desert! :) I hope Greg feels better...that's no fun!!

Stephanie Kay said...

I'm just glad it didn't rain yesterday! :) I don't mind the rain too much actually, I just can't handle it for more than a day at a time. :) Plus this crappy weather has gotten me sick...I'm voting for sunshine!

Anonymous said...

Have you considered moving to Washington!! LOVE IT THERE!

Anyway, got your e-mail, I'll run it by Victor.. THANKS!

Mike, Katie, Annali and Londyn said...

I really enjoy the rain also but I also enjoy the sunshine. When you have a child like mine who lives to be outside the rain for weeks at a time is not a good thing for anybody in our household. We get major cabing fever. I think we have had straight rain for about a week now. I am ready for some sunshine. But I love the smell of rain also. It is so clean and wonderful.

Bill & Ellen Thompson said...

I love the rain too with the sunshine bursting through each time it does rain. I wish it would just do what it has been doing,( without the snow and below 30 degree temps.) I think I want the best of both worlds, But I wouldn't mind a bit if it rained off and on all summer! I love how green things are when it rains (with the sun shining through afterwards) and I love not having to keep changing the water on the lawns. Hope all is well with you and yours!! Love ya.

Maira Gall