

So, I was going through my pictures and realized I have about 20 pictures of CATS! What the heck? I don't even like cats....But I wanted to share a couple of them with you. My computer is lame and wouldn't upload them all, but ENJOY!


Stephanie Kay said...

Hey, I totally know you. I didn't know you had a blog! How long have you had one? I made one for my class and have searched for classmates, but you're the only one I've found so far. Do you know of anyone else that has one?

Stephanie Kay said...

Oh it was pretty fun! How're things going for you and Greg? It's fun to read up on how things are going with you both. So how is Aub doing? I haven't talked to her in a LONG ol time. I saw Tiff last night and see seems great, she's graduating, lucky. So yeah, good to hear from you!

Unknown said...

Boo to cats! Yay to big dogs! jk... I hope you get your photo and annoucements up and going.. your work is really good!

Shari Davis said...

That's kind of random!!! :) We love you and miss you!!

Maira Gall