
Three Attractions

List three attractions in your current city you have never visited, but would like to see this year?

Well, since I don't really know what there is...I googled it. It came up with nine attractions.

1 - Utah State University (been here many times, paid them way too much money)
2 - LDS Tabernacle (except the picture was the temple, either way, been to both!)
3 - Beaver Mountain (not in Logan...also, too cold...so unless they have something cool in the summer. I may pass on this one!_
4 - Crimson Trail (I guess it's a possibility)
5 - Old Lyric Repertory Company (I'll have to google this one!)
6 - Willow Park Zoo (love the monkeys!)
7 - First Dam (also been here many times)
8 - Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum (never heard of it)
9 - The Riverwoods Conference Center (oooh so exciting!)

So that's the list. Doesn't sound so exciting...so any Cache Valley-ites..do you have any suggestions? We hopefully won't be here much longer, so if there's any MUST SEE attractions before we go...let me know!

(okay, let's face it...now that I've said that, we'll be here for the next 10 years. no rush!)

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Maira Gall