

So as mentioned in my previous posts, my boss for the last 4.5 years decided to leave us. We had planned a going away/thank you party for him, but we wanted it to be a secret. Since I'm known to pull some pranks around the CU, it was up to me to make him not expect anything.

I enrolled the help of Caleb, and we took care of things the evening before. In my mind I imagined how awesome it was going to be, but when it came down to it, it would have taken forever to get things where I envisioned. We still spent about 1.5 hours. It was epic.

He posted this on facebook when he came in to work the next morning.
"I come to work early on my last day and this is what i find..and they hid my WYO flag. #bestemployees #13.5years #deseretfirst"

Yes, we took his Wyoming flag down and "hid" it. Apparently that was the first thing that he noticed. We just rolled it up and put it in those tubes you keep posters in. It took him all day to find it. 

The rest of the day was just strange. It wasn't really hitting us that he was really going to be gone where we knew we would be seeing him later that night. I was the fortunate one to be leaving first, so it was a bit awkward. Everyone else said it was a bit strange too. I guess when he was saying goodbye to Cole and Caleb, there was an awkward silence where Danny was looking out over the branch, and Cole turned on his music and "Time of Your Life" was playing. Well-played Cole.

We had the party that evening at Chuck-a-Rama. Donna did an amazing job with the decorations and putting all of this together. It was Western themed and she went all out.

^^This is why you don't post embarrassing pictures on facebook! :) 

After we were done eating, Mike, who is the area manager said a few things and then headed out, which was actually good because Donna and Steve had the brilliant idea of doing a "Roast", and guess who they said was perfect to host? That would be me...

It was a lot of fun though. Here are some of the highlights.
  • You may have noticed that I had the most difficult time with you leaving. I cried probably more than any one else, which seems odd for a number of reasons, but the truth is, as the only one who has also actually lived in Wyoming, I'm the only one who really know what you're getting yourself into....
  • I always looked forward to our Wednsday meetings....especially when we started 15-20 minutes late because someone's kids didn't wake him up. 
  • I've been a bit disappointed that we didn't have them as often with you traveling to SL. I rather enjoyed getting into our spirited debates. It did get a bit awkward a few times when you'd ask if anyone had questions or issues, and while everyone looked at me, you were avoiding my gaze. I'm going to miss arguing with you. 
  • Besides, had I known that you just wanted to live in a trailer and pay $280 rent, I would've gladly traded you my trailer for even your rental house. Straight across! 
  • I don't think any of us have seen you move so fast, or cuss so loud as when your roof would leak. 
  • Things we learned from you:
    • Lending is NOT black and white.
    • Breakfast at Village Inn is NOT the place to talk about switching ‘assignments'
    • Don’t leave chocolate bars in your desk, the mice will find them. Don’t release the mice into a garbage can that has a massive hole in the back. The mice find their way back.
    • Sometimes it’s okay to BS your way through things, especially IRA’s. Which we also learned aren’t really that hard to do….you just call training if you have questions
It was fun, and a good way to enjoy the night. It was so fun to just hang out with my co-workers. We all really do get along so well, we don't need big fancy parties to have a good time. Do you see why I'm so sad that everyone is leaving? Of course, there is more to it now. At the time we still had no idea who would be replacing Danny, though we were all betting on the Assistant Manager Steve. It was scary to go into the unknown. Change is hard. Especially when you spend a lot of time with these people that started as co-workers, and now have beome friends.

Back L to R: Colton (Cole) Butterfield, Danny Brownell, Steven Lucherini, Caleb Fielding
Front L to R: Donna Andersen, Breanne Aullman, Kimberly Inkley - February 26, 2015

We are awesome. Love these people I work with.

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Maira Gall