
A Birthday, People Leaving, Etc.

Seriously, total winter weather, and it's been fantastic!

Greg turned the big 3-4 on the 15th of February, so I made him a cake, and decorated it too. It was pretty darn fantastic. I should totally be on one of those cake shows.

Some more of the crazy weather. Rain, snow, hail, we've seen it all this winter!

Having been at my job the longest of the MSR's (I call myself the Senior MSR), I sometimes get tasked with some unpleasant things. I was asked by a co-worker to assist someone with their online banking, and well, let's just say it was not fun. I fully support everyone using online banking! However, if you struggle using it and you're constantly getting locked out, it would be wise to choose a password that is easy. Even writing it down didn't help <--sigh-->, anywho, afater that experience I went to hide out in the office, and when I came back, my co-workers had put smiley faces all over my computer. They're pretty rad sometimes, except when they ask me to do things that I don't want to do!

I have been craving chips & salsa like no other lately. Steve was kind enough to go get me some one afternoon, and I had a few, but had to spend a lot of  time in the office working on things, and when I came out, MY salsa was almost gone! I was a bit angry, so I wrote a threatening note to warn people.

So, sad days, Cole decided he wanted to quit. He asked me to go to the vault with him to "count", so I did, and I propped the door open like normal, until Steve comes and closes it. It was odd, but whatever, then Cole says, "Breanne, guess what? My last day is 2 weeks from today." I didn't believe him at all. I just said, whatever, and he had to really convince me that he was leaving. It was kind of ironic because literally two days before, Steve and I were talking about how Cole was the only one left of the "originals", then two days later he drops this bombshell. Jerk! I guess Steve told him to tell me before everyone else. It was not a fun day. I hate when good people leave. Cole is awesome. He's hilarious, and always makes me laugh. Anytime I would go on lunch, or go into the office, withing a few minutes he would come in and interrupt me, or call me with a question. Here we are having one of our "meetings" while I was on my lunch. I miss him. He's been gone for about 2 weeks now, and he isn't being replaced, so double sucks!

And just another rainy/snowy day in Cache Valley.

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Maira Gall