

Do you have any regrets today?

Today, today? Not really. Maybe not listening to conference as well as I should have. I can't do more than one thing at once, but I also start to drift off if I just sit there, so I tried to do mindless stuff. But I love conference. I wish we had it more often. It's always such a wonderful feeling to be able to listen to the words of the Prophet and Apostles. I love hearing their stories, and most of all, their testimonies. What great examples they are, and the advice they give is amazing. I'm grateful to be a part of this Gospel, and to have a testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ. I know God lives, and He loves ME. He knows what I'm going through, what I'm struggling with, the pains that I have, and he still loves me, and is there for me. I know that Christ suffered and died for me, so that I can repent and strive to become perfect every day, so I can live with Him and my family forever. I can't imagine what it would be like to not have that knowledge. I vote we have conference next week too! (Or like once a month! ;)


Also, I'm debating making my daily blog private....so if you want to continue to read this randomness, comment here with your email so I can invite you. I'll keep my regular blog, but it won't be nearly as exciting as my daily blog! (C'mon, you know you want to continue to see my obsession with 1D!)


Olivia said...

I would definitely want to follow it :)

Lindsay said...

I definitely want to follow, javae026@hotmail.com Thanks Bre! :)

Violet Rose said...

Count me in!

Maira Gall