I was tagged by both Lindsay and Sarah, so I'm glad it's the same one! :)
8 Things I am obessed with right now:
Spending time with my hubby
Blog-stalking (I'm HORRIBLE! I should probably call it blog-SNOOPING instead!)
Editing pics
Whether my clients are SATISFIED or not. (seriously, I get so stressed sometimes I won't look at pictures for a day, or I can't sleep sometimes...I worry so much! I want them all to be 150% satisfied, so if you're not. PLEASE! let me know, I want you to be HAPPY!!!)
8 Words or Phrases I often use:
I love you.
I love you too.
Do ya dig? (Greg and I use weird lingo when talking to each other...) lol
You're retarded (I use this one WAY too much!)
This is a weird one, I can't think of any...
8 Shows that I love to watch right now:
90210 (the new one, even though I'm way behind and am way confused as to what's going on)
Gilmore Girls (even though I don't get to watch it so much! :(
Say Yes to the Dress
Any of the wedding shows on the WE network...I'm obsessed...really...
Hanna Montana (yes, I do watch disney channel, and no, I don't have kids!)
Gosh this is hard too. I usually channel surf because there is NOTHING on!!! so..yeah, random stuff really
8 Things I did yesterday:
Slept in
Went to Wal-Mart to get stuff for volleyball banquet
Edited pics
Spent a little time with Greg
Edited pics
Went to the banquet
Edited pics
Talked with my in-laws
8 of my Favorite places to eat:
Cafe Rio
Sizzler (BEST steak and shrimp EVER)
Olive Garden
Iggys (Only been there once, but it's delicious!)
My Home
8 Things I am looking forward too:
School to be over for Greg...COMPLETELY OVER...but at least right now this semester!
Christmas break!
Taking more pics
Thanksgiving break!
Harry Potter (even though it doesn't come out til JULY 17!!!)
Twilight!! (Though I refuse to go to it when it's going to be PACKED! I can wait...as long as NO ONE SPOILS IT FOR ME!!!:)
It to SNOW!
Losing 15 (okay 10 is more realistic!) pounds...(this may take a LONG time...I have to start working out first...! :)
8 Things that are on my wish list:
Greg graduating with his masters
A house
Lenses for my camera
Become a better photographer
A new car
My biz to pick up enough that Greg can quit work while he finishes school (or a good enough paying job for me that he can do that!)
I feel selfish on this question...but...I would love a new iMac...or, rather, that mine will last until we can afford a new one!
We will all make the best of today and quit looking forward to tomorrow...(I'm the worst, I'm sure!)
8 People I tag:
I tag anyone who would like to do this! ENjoy!