So I texted my friend Melanie asking her if she would be my "babysitter" while Greg was gone, since he was worried about me being by myself, and then if she would help me paint my living room and kitchen. We've lived in this house for 11 years now, and haven't really done too much to it, with the exception of the floor, which Greg did a few months ago.
The night before Greg left, he thought it might be a good idea to make me get on the floor and figure out a way to get up. I told him that it was probably a little too late to do it, but I complied. It's amazing how disconnected my mind and body are. I would think, "This is totally easy." And then my body would say, "Haha, you got punked!" But, I was able to eventually get myself up, it just took a little time as it totally wore me out.
So, Greg was leaving on Tuesday, September 20, so I took that day off to just relax, and then after dropping him off at the high school where they were all meeting, I headed out to Providence to get my hair done by the amazing Tami. I have always wanted platinum blonde hair, so I decided it was now or never. Of course it is going to take a little bit of time to get there, but I was happy with the results. Plus I got to spend an evening with one of my favorite people, laughing and chatting.
That night when Greg landed, he texted me pictures of his room and view.
Looks pretty sketchy right?
Oh, he's just eating dinner right next to the ocean No big deal!
And yes, this is his view from his 15th floor, oceanside hotel room. Sketchy my a....
Apparently where they were, RIGHT on the beach was the nice part of Long Beach. Totally not fair!
And then throughout the week he would send me pictures of his view early in the morning. Jerk. (JK, I'm really glad he sent me pictures. I asked him to.)
So that was his view, and this was mine...Nice, cool, and rainy. I love rain, but I'm pretty sure I love California more.
Oh well. Day 1 of my project was underway. Melanie came over and we went to Home Depot to get our supplies, and we spent that day prepping the walls. I was a bit nervous because mobile home walls are built very differently than regular homes. So we just read a few articles online, and winged it! Melanie is a rockstar and did 99% of the work. I did what I could to help, but who knows how much help I actually was.
I know, at this point you're wondering why on earth I would want to paint over the lovely wall paper, and paneling. I don't get it either....
Day 2 consisted of priming. Oh joyous priming! I was actually shocked at how much I was able to do. It wasn't near enough, but it was something!
This is what I got to look at, while Greg had different views. He told me when he got back that when he got bored at the conference, he would just leave and go hang out by the beach. Such a tough life, right?
I mean seriously, sitting here, feeling the ocean breeze? Of course he rubs it in everyday, still!
That evening he and some of the guys who went to the conference went to a Dodger's game. It's quite interesting how his opinions of things change once he actually does them! He always says, "I would not want to go to a professional game. I'd rather just watch from home." Blah, blah blah. He had a lot of fun. Got to see Stan Lee, and witness a walk-off homer. Poor guy!
Plus, a helmet full of nachos, and a Dodger Dog? I had Ramen noodles for dinner! Sucker!
He had a lot of fun, and I really did enjoy my project, but still was totally jealous!
Again, he was enjoying nice weather, and I was praying that our house wouldn't blow away. The rainstorm that hit was incredible! I haven't seen a storm like that in a long time, and even woke up to no power, and this view from my window.

Day 3 came, and I hear a knock at my door. It wasn't Melanie's soft knock, and was surprised to see my Bishop standing there. Apparently Melanie's husband texted my bishop to see if he could find some additional help. My bishop is also our home teacher, so while it was a bit embarrassing, I suppose it was okay.
He called a few other High Priests in our ward to come over and help as well. I felt totally useless standing there, but tried to help where I could. I had no idea what a process painting is, and am incredibly grateful for the help. It was a long day, but with Greg coming home that evening, I wanted to at least get my living room put back together. Melanie and my bishop stayed until late to help out. They are awesome. And Melanie, well, she's pretty much a rockstar! I am so grateful to have such an amazing friend!
Not going to lie, I was a bit nervous through the process. Change is hard, even if it means getting rid of ugly walls, and part of it was doing the project without Greg, and being away from him. This is the first time in our 11 years of marriage that I have been home alone overnight. I missed him a lot. But everything came together nicely.
So while he was enjoying his last day at the beach, I mean conference...
I was supervising the painting of my living room.
And then I waited for Greg to get home, and to see his reaction.
All he said was, "you rearranged the house." Typical Greg response. Then he told me all about his California adventures.
While I'm sad I wasn't able to go with him, I'm glad that he had the chance. Maybe he will be more willing to visit new places, because he always has so much fun!
I, on the other hand, love my new walls, and am grateful to all those who helped. I'm glad it is **nearly** done, and glad that I took the plunge to do it. Now to convince Melanie to help with the rest of the house...
Still need to put on the finishing touches, and put my pictures back up, but I'm happy with the results, and I think secretly, Greg is too!
This is how much he loved his trip!
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