my day...this is how it went...(and be prepared for not-complete sentences and poor grammar)
Woke up about 11:30 (still tired, and have a headache :) Sat around, watched One Tree Hill for a bit. Washed my hair, blew dry it(dunno how to word that one!:), Straightened it, pulled my bangs back, got dressed. Greg is home, kinda bum around for a bit, then get things ready to go (camera, batteries, WARM CLOTHES (Thanks Kandyce for the hat. It was my lifesaver!), snacks, greg's school work). (Greg came with me...YAY!) Left Logan around 1:45, drove 1.5 hours to Salt Lake. (Shoot scheduled for 3:30). Got text from clients saying they will be there at 4:00. Arrive at temple at 2:50ish (Yeah, an hour early! UGH!) Don't want to wait in car, so pay for parking (stinkin $5!) and walk...YES WALK! to the capitol building. Only about 2 blocks away, but UPHILL. Now, for someone who hasn't worked out for...let's say a LONG time...this walk KILLED ME! I was out of breath 1/4 the way up there. It was a nice walk though, and it killed about 40 minutes up and back. Get back to the conference center, sit down for a bit by the fountain (took a pic, but was on my point and I haven't downloaded it yet). Get back to the car, still 15 minutes left. Text clients asking if they were still on schedule for 4. No reply. Gather my stuff, walk back to the temple. Walk around for a bit, use the visitor's center restroom, walk back outside. Glad to have gloves and hat! Getting cold. 4:10 no clients, getting worried about coldness and lighting, call clients, 4:30....Sit around take a few pics of the temple. Light was PERFECT...Time goes by, light slowly fading. I'm stressing out...need that light! Clients arrive 4:30 (stuff always comes up when you need to be somewhere...right brides? :)...start shooting. Light not so good, still stressed, but keep shooting. Walk around temple for a bit, shoot a few in the JSM. (Getting too dark!) Head up to the capitol...(NOT WALKING!) Get out of car...Can hardly walk. SO SORE from earlier walk. (told you it's been a while!) feel like i pulled a muscle in a bad way! Get inside...light's not the greatest, but it's GORGEOUS inside! Wish we could have gotten there earlier! Finish shoot, drive home, shop, eat dinner, edit a few pics for client's reception tomorrow...will bathe, then go to sleep!
WHAT A DAY! Tomorrow will be another busy one, but I'm excited. We'll be shooting a little earlier, so hopefully all goes well! Here's one from today. I tried a new edit on the second one...Be sure to check out my blog for a few more from today!
ENJOY! (I'm exhausted!)
**click to see bigger**
Way cool picture of the temple!
Glad you are staying somewhat busy taking pics. I love the picture and am sure there are more to come. It sure does help though to have good lighting. wish you were here to get pics of the boys and Lilli. Hope all is well. Love ya, MOM
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